Kristen Welsh



A proud New Jersey native, Kristen is thrilled to be back in her home state after 5 years of living in New York City. As a current Radio City Rockette, Kristen has always gravitated towards high intensity cardio and strength training to prepare her for each Christmas season- which lead her to finding Jane DO! Her love and passion for rhythm and a good sweat comes through in each class. With carefully cultivated playlists, Kristen will guide you through your 50 minute workout with all the songs you love to sing when you’re driving on the highway and will motivate you from start to finish. Follow her fitness and dance journey on Instagram @kristen_welsh. She can’t wait to see you in class!





Q: Hometown?

A: Milltown, New Jersey


Q: Song that gets you DO-ing?

A: Summer Renaissance by Beyonce


Q: Best thing you #JaneDID?

A: Performed in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade as a Radio City Rockette!


Q: Top of your to-DO list?

A: Workout — always!!


Q: Guilty pleasure?

A: Jewelry — I get it from my mom …


Q: Who’s your best friend?

A: My boyfriend, Nick and my dog, Mogli — they’re my world!


Q: Your greatest strength?

A: My work ethic.


Q: Where do you find your strength?

A: Honestly, being told no. Whenever I have been rejected from something, I gain a fire in me to fight harder and stronger to prove to myself that whoever said “no,” was wrong.


Q: Hidden talent?

A: I’m an Interior Designer on the side!


Q: Worth it splurge?

A: Good food and good wine!


Q: Vacation Destination?

A: Italy and Greece — one day!!


Q: What is the last thing you Googled?

A: TSA Precheck Application (haha)